
Welcome to VenusCARE - Women's Health and Wellness! We are an obstetrics and gynecology clinic that aims to provide compassionate, patient-centered experience guided by excellence and innovation as well as accessible healthcare service.


Meet The Team Behind The Screen

APEDA, Paula Ambriell J.

Team Role: Leader

Site Role: Web Master, Developer, and Designer

Clinic Email: venuscaregroup1@gmail.com

Personal Email: paulaaambriell@gmail.com

Contact Number: 0916 707 1630

ALON, Ysabelle Mari S.

Team Role: Secretary

Site Role: Graphics Designer, Content Producer, and Tester

"Life isn't how to survive the storm, it's about how to dance in the rain."

BAQUIR, Jasmine Sheyne C.

Team Role: Assistant Leader

Site Role: Content Producer, and Tester

"See you yesterday."

Content Production

Abiva Aguilar J Aguilar A
Araw Arda Arrogante
Baldeo Bance Bolivar